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Account Migration

If you currently login with a username and password:

Enter your current username in the e-mail field and enter your password to login.You will then be asked to confirm your e-mail address and set a password.

From now on, login using the e-mail address and password you just set.Your old username is no longer in use.

Click here to login

If you currently login with a username and 6 digit OTP token:

Enter your current username in the e-mail field and enter the 6 digit OTP token as your password.You will then be asked to confirm your e-mail address and set a password.

From now on, login using the e-mail address and password you just set.You will additionally be asked to enter your 6 digit OTP token.You can then choose to let Dyn@Link 2.0 trust your device for 30 days, so it will not ask for the OTP token every time.Your old username is no longer in use.

Click here to login